CTRD Trust

Project details

Sickle cell anemia is a serious and often life-threatening genetic disease that affects many Adivasi communities in India. The disease causes abnormal changes in the red blood cells, which impair their ability to carry oxygen and cause various complications. People with sickle cell anemia suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, growth retardation, infections, strokes, and organ damage. To improve the diagnosis and treatment of this disease, CTRD, a local NGO, has partnered with SODI, a German development organization, to implement a project that provides sickle cell anemia screening and medical care to the affected villages.

our main goals

The main goal of this project is to enhance the health and well-being of the Adivasi communities by detecting and managing sickle cell anemia. By conducting regular medical camps with an ambulance and trained staff, the project collects blood samples from the villagers and tests them for sickle cell anemia in a nearby hospital. The project also provides medical care and counseling to the patients and their families, and educates them about the causes and effects of the disease. Moreover, the project helps to improve the nutrition and hygiene of the patients by providing them with food supplements and sanitary kits.

Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation. 

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