CTRD Trust

Project details

The Kitchen Garden Project is a collaborative initiative between the CTRD Trust and SODI, two non-governmental organizations that work to improve the living conditions of the Adivasi, the indigenous people of India. The project aims to enhance the food security and nutrition of the tribal communities in the Nilgiri District, where they face severe poverty and food insecurity due to the rapid forces of globalization and westernization, as well as the forced cultivation of tea, a practice they have reluctantly adopted over the past three decades. The project supports the tribal communities in the establishment of organic kitchen gardens by providing them with the necessary equipment and knowledge. The project also empowers them to grow their own food and generate additional income from selling excess products and organic fertilizer. The project preserves and promotes the traditional knowledge and practices of the Adivasi, who have been food gatherers and hunters for centuries. The project protects and conserves the natural resources and environment of the Nilgiri District by promoting organic farming methods.

our main goals

The CTRD Trust has conducted several case studies on the Kitchen Garden Project. You can download them here.

Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation. 

more Projects

Alcohol Awareness Training

aims to educate the Adivasi people about the harmful effects of alcohol

Income generation through Beekeeping and Banana fibre extraction

helps the tribal families to produce and sell their own honey, using beehives

Sickle Cell Anemia Screening

educate the Adivasi people about the genetic disease

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