CTRD Trust

Project details

Housing is a basic human need and a right, but many Adivasi communities in the Nilgiri region lack adequate and safe shelter. Their houses are made of natural materials that are vulnerable to weather, pests, and wildlife. Moreover, they lack proper sanitation facilities, which expose them to health risks and environmental hazards. To address this issue, CTRD, a local NGO, has partnered with GSE, a German student organization, to implement a project that provides rural housing and sanitation to the Adivasi villages. Being isolated from infrastructure and surrounded by forest and tea estates, the Adivasi use natural materials like bamboo, straw and mud to build houses. However these constructions implicate diverse issues, for instance lacking stability, reconstruction twice per year due to the monsoon seasons, limited natural resources because of coffee and tea plantations or being exposed to elephant or other dangerous animal attacks.

our main goals

In the Narangamoola Village, which is located two kilometres from the town Ambalamoola, adequate and sufficient housing is lacking enormously. Currently 14 huts are available for the 22 families living in the village, who are 95 people in total (57% women; 43% men; 31% <18 years). Moreover, this extremely difficult condition is further deteriorated by a lack of sanitation. The circumstance forces the people to practice dangerous, unhealthy, environmentally damaging and undignified open defecation. During the first project period from 2018 to 2019, CTRD is, in collaboration with the Organization GSE, supporting the construction of 21 weather-proof houses and sanitation facilities in the Narangamoola Village. With provided tools, materials and knowledge by CTRD and GSE, the organizations and tribal community will work together to realize its plan. The project has been further supported by ten German students in October 2018. In the second period starting in 2021, another three houses were built in the village with the help of the beneficiaries, who participated in the planning and construction process. The weather proof house saved them from the following year heavy monsoon.

Supported by

Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation. 

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