CTRD Trust

Partners of CTRD Trust

Supporting organisations

Our Partners

CTRD Trust would like to extend its heartfelt gratitude to all its partners who have supported the implementation of its projects. Their unwavering support and trust have been a catalyst for growth and progress. We couldn’t have done it without them!

Since 2019, the CTRD Trust has been collaborating with the Solidarity Service International (SODI) to improve the living conditions of Adivasi in the Nilgiris District, with a special focus on food security. The “Food Security Program” is funded by the  Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and consists of various components that aim to tackle all dimensions of food insecurity and improve the health conditions of the beneficiaries.

Since 2010, CTRD Trust has been working with the Airbus Corporate foundation to implement a project that promotes renewable energy through biogas units.
A biogas unit works by turning animal dung into methane, which is used to fuel cooking stoves in tribal homes and saves them a lot of money. 

As part of the Palamalai Development Project, Dr. Siegfried Ziegler & Ilona Paul collaborated with the CTRD to provide family solar lights to 185 families across 7 tribal villages in the Coimbatore district. Enhancing Safety with Street Lights In February 2024, they continued their efforts by donating 25 street lights to the tribal villages.

The object of the Shamdasani Foundation is to serve the under-privileged and destitute in India. The Shamdasani Foundation has been a valuable supporter of CTRD Trust, aiding us in our projects. It has actively contributed to Tribal Children Education by providing notebooks, ensuring that children from tribal communities have essential educational resources.
Green Energy Against Poverty (GreenAP) collaborates with experienced local partner organizations like CTRD Trust to support projects that directly address poverty, promote sustainability, and encourage community development efforts.


Volunteering Organisations

The ASA-Program is a learning and capacity-building scholarship programme funded by the german federal ministry for economic cooperation and development (BMZ). It is welcoming young people from various professions and academic backgrounds who are interested in global interdependencies and seek international exchange opportunities to engage in cooperative learning. The aim is to provide 21 to 35 year olds with the skills they need to act and shape their lives so that they can effectively assume responsibility for sustainable development in various areas of society in the long term. The ASA NGO basic program component involves a 3-month practical phase abroad, during which the interns actively participate in projects of their partner organization. CTRD has been working with ASA since 2018 with students from diverse fields like social sciences, political communication and agricultural economics.
Eine Welt e.V. Leipzig has been active for over 30 years in the development-related education and project work with children and youth.Its focus lies on intercultural and global learning to strengthen understanding and tolerance towards other cultures.The organization promotes  fair trade and environmentally friendly manufactured products by running 3 faire trade shops and undertaking educational  activities in relation to global development problems and lifestyle issues. The Eine Welt e.v Leipzig is a certified organisation sending  and hosting volunteers through the German programme weltwärts, financed by the BMZ. Thus CTRD is partnering  and  hosting German volunteers  since 2022 who participate in several projects. They mainly take part in presenting the organisation on social media, working together with tribal children, 


Medical Services

M's Hospital

The collaboration between CTRD Trust and M’s Hospital is particularly impactful in addressing the healthcare challenges faced by the tribal community. CTRD Trust has been actively involved in organizing medical camps, including sickle cell anemia screening, gender medical camps, eye camps, and cancer and diabetes identification camps. These initiatives aim to proactively identify and address health concerns, ensuring early intervention and improved health outcomes for the community.