CTRD Trust

Project details

Alcoholism is a serious problem that affects many marginalized and discriminated communities in India, especially the Adivasi communities. The misuse of alcohol not only harms the health and well-being of the individuals struggling with addiction, but also their families and communities, who suffer from abuse and violence. To address this issue, CTRD, a local NGO, has partnered with SODI, a German development organization, to implement a project that provides alcohol awareness training to the affected villages.

our main goals

The main goal of this project is to reduce the prevalence and impact of alcoholism among the Adivasi communities by raising awareness and providing support. By conducting regular training sessions with trained professionals, the project educates the participants about the dangers of substance misuse and helps them to overcome their addiction. The project also involves interactive role-play activities that illustrate the challenges and consequences of alcoholism, and offer coping strategies for both the addicts and their families. Moreover, the project empowers the communities to create a safe and supportive environment that discourages alcohol abuse and promotes healthy lifestyles.

Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation. 

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