CTRD Trust

Project details

The project seeks to alleviate poverty and to promote sustainable livelihoods by generating income for Adivasi small-scale tea farmers through the cultivation and processing of organic and fair traded Green Tea. Since May 2016 CTRD has been cooperating with SODI to train 500 tribal tea farmers in techniques of organic tea cultivation, soil and water management, and climate adaption. The organic Green Tea is grown on family-owned tea plantations with a size of 0,25-2 acres located in the tribal villages. The tea is cultivated in a mixed culture with silver oak, fruit trees, and pepper to provide shade and an additional income source. Tea plucking is based on the two leaves and one bud principle to ensure high premium quality Green Tea. The project further includes setting up a tea factory, which will be finished in January 2019 to produce the own branded tribal IPPI MALAI Tea. In the long-term, the Green Valley Tea Factory will be run by the Adivasi community itself – by the Tribal Tea Farmer Producer Company. The factory’s income will be invested in social projects for the Adivasi again. An own factory enables them to add value to their tea produce and to eliminate middlemen. The processed tea has already been certified with the EU-Bio Standard UTZ by INDOCERT. It is further planned to receive the FAIRTRADE certificate.

our main goals

Our project is driven by a set of clear and focused goals. We aim to alleviate poverty and promote sustainable livelihoods for Adivasi small-scale tea farmers through the cultivation and processing of organic and fair traded Green Tea. We are committed to training these farmers in organic tea cultivation, soil and water management, and climate adaptation. Our vision includes setting up a tea factory to produce our own branded tribal IPPI MALAI Tea, which will be run by the Adivasi community in the long term. The income from the factory will be reinvested in social projects for the Adivasi. We also strive to add value to their tea produce, eliminate middlemen, and achieve certifications such as the EU-Bio Standard UTZ and FAIRTRADE.

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Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation. 

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