Education is a fundamental right and a powerful tool for changing the world. However, many Adivasi children in the Nilgiri region face various barriers to access and complete their education. Poverty, lack of infrastructure, and cultural factors often force them to drop out of school and work in low-paid and hazardous jobs. To address this issue, CTRD, a local NGO, has partnered with SODI, a German development organization, to implement a project that provides evening coaching centers (ECC) to the Adivasi villages.
The main goal of this project is to enhance the educational opportunities and outcomes of the Adivasi children by providing them with after-school support and guidance. By establishing ECCs in tribal villages, the project supports schoolchildren with their homework and learning. The ECCs are supervised by qualified teachers from the nearby regions, who help the children with their exercises and reinforce their skills. The ECCs also provide the children with a warm and nutritious meal and a safe and conducive environment for studying. Moreover, the project encourages the parents and the communities to value education and support their children’s aspirations.
Support our initiative to uplift Adivasi tea farmers by promoting sustainable and organic Green Tea cultivation.
supporting the communities in the establishment of organic kitchen gardens
provide access to education and electricity for the tribal children.
enhance the living conditions the Palamalai tribal community