The Centre for Tribal and Rural Development (CTRD) Trust is a dedicated voluntary organization that was established in 1988. It is registered under the Indian Trust Act in the state of Tamil Nadu. For three decades we have been working on projects and programs that aim to promote and strengthen the livelihood, welfare and development of the marginalized and disadvantaged tribal and rural communities of the Nilgiri District. Hereby, we are both supporting livelihood programs ( constructions, infrastructure or health care improvements) and empowering their capabilities by introducing new possibilities of income generation and Self-Help Groups of the differently-abled. Cooperating directly with the diverse communities, our professional team members use their skills, knowledge and long working experience to overcome the circumstances of poverty and marginalization. Every project is realized with a Help to Self-Help, holistic and Bottom-Up Approach in accordance to the tribal people’s resources, needs, cultures and traditions. Generally, our work is financed through donations and funding received from government bodies and civil society organizations from all around the world.